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Breast Augmentation Perth

Increase size: enhance shape

For breast augmentation, you should visit a specialist plastic surgeon.

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Breast Augmentation

What is the breast augmentation procedure?

A breast augmentation with breast implants is designed to address aesthetic-based concerns. The procedure involves placing breast implants behind the breasts to increase their size and augment their shape.

There are several reasons why women choose to have breast implants, and the decision to undergo an augmentation is highly personal. Over time, the breasts can lose volume with age, hormonal changes, weight loss or after breastfeeding. A patient may want to change this with the use of implants and surgical adjustments.

The procedure can be highly personalised, with a variety of options for the shape, size, and positioning of breast implants. During your consultation with breast augmentation surgeon Dr Hanikeri in Perth, you will be able to discuss your concerns and the ideal results that you would like to achieve. The steps and details of the surgery can then be tailored to your specific needs and to best suit your unique features.

Benefits of breast augmentation surgery with Dr Hanikeri in Perth

Your procedure will be completely tailored to your needs, so you can experience the benefits of a personalised procedure with steps that are designed to achieve your desired results.

Breast augmentation surgery with breast implants can make desired changes to the shape and size of the breasts. Since every patient is different and will have their own personal preferences, the benefits of breast augmentation will vary for each patient.

The procedure can address asymmetry, breast size and shape, and creates a fuller appearance. If lifting is needed to achieve ideal results, breast augmentation may be able to be combined with a breast lift to address the position of the breasts, remove excess skin and change the position of the nipples.

As a qualified Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon, Dr Hanikeri has undergone years of extensive training, with over 20 years of working in both Australia and overseas. He is a Founding member of the Western Australia Plastic Surgery Centre and a member of The Australian Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), the Australasian Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (ASAPS) and the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (ISAPS). As well as performing plastic and reconstructive surgery, he has also utilised his knowledge to train and educate future plastic surgeons.

Breast augmentation costs in Perth

The costs of a breast augmentation procedure are personalised since each procedure will be tailored to suit the needs of each patient. Your breast augmentation surgeon Dr Hanikeri will assess your needs during a consultation, before designing an ideal treatment plan for you. When you agree on a treatment plan that you are happy with, our team can then provide a surgical fee estimate of how much your procedure will cost.

Your consultations

The fee for your initial consultation to discuss a breast augmentation procedure will be $250. This is required at the time of making a booking to secure your appointment. This amount is then deducted from the cost of your surgery, if you decide to proceed. The second consultation will then be $100.

Aftercare costs

We believe in providing exceptional support throughout your recovery journey. That is why post-operative check-ups, dressing changes, and suture removal are all included in the procedure cost and do not incur additional fees.

Your Surgical Fee Estimate form

Your breast augmentation surgery fees will include surgeon’s fees, anaesthetist fees and hospital fees.

The costs can be influenced by the complexity of the procedure, the type of implants chosen, and the duration of the procedure. Each of these factors will vary per patient, so you will discuss your procedure plan in detail during your consultation.

At the end of your consultation, you will receive a Surgical Fee Estimate form that details all of the fees above.

Payment plans

Our patients may wish to go on our payment plan before their procedure date. The full payment must be made by at least two weeks before the date of the procedure. Up until then, payments can be made in instalments, either weekly or monthly. This payment plan will be interest-free and will require a $500 deposit in the beginning to secure your procedure date.

As a Specialist Plastic Surgeon, we are not permitted to broker a third-party payment plan, as the Australian Society of Plastic Surgeons and AHPRA do not permit this.

To discuss your costs in further detail and receive your fee estimate form, please contact our team to book your consultation.

Breast Augmentation

Before and After Gallery

Dr Hanikeri has helped hundreds of patients over the years achieve their desired results.

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Breast Augmentation

Breast Augmentation

Breast Augmentation

Breast Augmentation

Breast Augmentation

Breast Augmentation


Disclaimer: The outcomes shown are only relevant for this patient and do not necessarily reflect the results other patients may experience, as results may vary due to many factors including the individual’s genetics, diet and exercise.

What to consider before breast enhancement surgery

Types of breast implants

The outside shell of all breast implants is made of medical-grade silicone. Most breast implants are filled with a type of silicone gel (Cohesive gel). The two brands that Dr Hanikeri uses are Mentor and Motiva.

Placement and shapes of implants

The implants may be placed behind the breast tissue and in front of the Pectorals major muscle (subglandular placement) or beneath the Pectoralis major muscle (submuscular/dual plane placement). Both placements within one’s chest wall/pectoral muscles have their advantages and disadvantages, and the part of the chest muscles in which the implant is placed will be decided in advance by your surgeon.

Generally, in women with small breasts and without much of their own breast tissue to cover an implant, a submuscular position will be advised so that the breast implant edges are well concealed at the top of the breast providing a more natural appearance than the sub glandular method.

The implants can have a smooth or textured surface and are either round or tear-drop shaped (anatomical). Smooth implants may be inserted through a smaller incision in some cases and are all round. They are usually placed by the plastic surgeon in a submuscular position rather than subglandular as this has been shown to reduce complications such as capsular contracture.

Round breast implants provide more fullness at the top of the breast and a deeper cleavage whilst anatomical breast implants usually appear more natural with a gentle slope to the upper part of the breast. They may also help to camouflage early ptosis in the breasts by pushing the nipple outwards more in the lower part and therefore making the nipple look higher when viewed from the front (Pendulum effect).

Both round and anatomical breast implants are available with varying degrees of projection, depending on the volume the patient is seeking for their breast augmentation and will have the effect of either a subtle appearance or a bolder and full appearance.

In Perth, Mr Hanikeri uses temporary sizers, placed inside a bra as well as 3D computer-generated images to help patients assess their options and make decisions about which implants will help them achieve the breast size and shape they desire.

Your breast augmentation consultation

The initial breast augmentation consultation in Perth is usually to determine the “look” the patient is after and to make sure the breast augmentation surgery is appropriate, and that the patient is a suitable candidate for the procedure.

For all cosmetic surgery, patients are required to have a second appointment before surgery which focuses on answering any questions, completing the paperwork and making sure the surgical plan is clear and well-understood. It is rare to require more than two consultations before breast augmentation surgery, however, if required, Mr Hanikeri is happy to see the patients as many times as they require.

The breast implant procedure

Breast enlargement surgery usually takes between one and one-and-a-half hours and is performed under General Anaesthesia. While some (usually non-surgically trained) surgeons offer the surgical procedure under a Local Anaesthetic or twilight sedation, this is often to save money or to perform the surgery outside of an accredited hospital, rather than offer a benefit from a safety point of view.

General procedure plan:

The procedure involves making an incision of approximately five centimetres in the crease under the breast. Whilst other incisions may be used, the incision under the breast provides the greatest degree of control and predictability for the breast implant placement and orientation and is therefore Mr Hanikeri’s preference for breast augmentation surgery.

This incision is used to create a pocket into which the breast implant is placed, before the wound is sutured closed with hidden sutures under the skin that slowly dissolve away as the wound heals.

Patients are usually able to go home the same day, but in many instances, patients who have had a submuscular procedure may be advised to spend one night in the hospital. This is because drains are inserted in these patients to remove any fluids that may otherwise build up around the breast implants.

If not removed, this fluid may influence the longer-term results and risks. Patients may go home with drains and return for the removal of the drains if they would prefer not to stay in the hospital. Post-operative pain is usually controlled with pain medication, prescribed by the anaesthetist who is present for the breast implant surgery.

Your personalised procedure plan:

The specific details of your procedure plan will be discussed during your consultation, as they will be tailored to achieve your personal goals and cater to your individual needs. You will be able to discuss the type of breast implants that you prefer, the placement, and any aesthetic concerns you have that can be taken into close consideration. To discuss the specifics of your personal procedure and know what to expect, you will need to contact us to book a consultation.

Recovery and results: What to expect after the procedure

After your procedure, you will be given some recovery instructions that are tailored to the specific details of your surgery. It is important to follow these closely, in order to achieve optimal results and prevent complications from occurring.

Generally, after breast augmentation surgery, most patients are recommended to take around one to two weeks off work, depending on the physical demands of their job. They can usually return to normal activities and exercise within four to six weeks after breast augmentation surgery, resuming driving, light activities and light exercise such as walking within two weeks.

You may need to come back into the clinic to have your dressings changed, which will be free of charge. Throughout your recovery, you will need to take care of your general health, staying hydrated, avoiding heavy lifting and taking any medication prescribed to reduce swelling and prevent infection. You will also need to wear a firm compression garment to help reduce swelling.

Every patient’s results will be unique, and results will be visible once the initial swelling has fully subsided. Whilst breast augmentation scars are not completely predictable, most are barely visible and easily concealed in time. They may appear pink and slightly thickened for a few weeks to months after the breast augmentation surgery but will usually fade to be pale and soft by around three to six months. Their final appearance may take up to 18 months to achieve. Most patients experience very minimal scarring in the longer term.

After your procedure, your breast implants will initially seem to sit high, but they will drop a little lower with time. The skin at the lower pole often feels tight, until it relaxes and stretches, allowing the implants to drop into the lower pole. This process may take three to six months.

Risks of breast augmentation

All surgical procedures carry some risks, and plastic surgery procedures such as breast augmentation are no exception. These are discussed in detail during the consultation and a written list of the main things to consider will usually be given at the initial consultation.

You will also be provided with preparation and recovery instructions for the purpose of minimising these risks and preventing complications.

Some of the risks include:

  • Changes in nipple or breast sensation
  • Infection or poor wound healing
  • Scarring
  • Capsular contracture
  • Implant rotation
  • Anaesthesia risks
  • Revision surgery to address complications
  • Breast implants can make performing and reading mammograms technically difficult.
  • Placement of the breast implant underneath the pectoralis muscle may interfere less with mammographic examination
  • Pregnancy can alter breast size in an unpredictable way and could affect the long-term results of breast surgery

After a breast implant is inserted, a scar capsule forms around it. This is normal and is part of the natural healing process. In some patients, the capsule may become thicker and contracted. This may compress the implant resulting in a breast which feels firmer than normal. If this capsular contracture is severe, it may cause discomfort and a significant distortion of the breast’s appearance. In these cases, additional surgery may be needed to modify or remove scar tissue, or perhaps remove and replace the breast implant. This process usually takes years to occur.

If you experience any symptoms that concern you throughout your recovery, please contact our team for further advice.

Breast augmentation surgery in Perth

If you are considering breast augmentation, you should visit a specialist plastic surgeon certified by the Australian Society of Plastic Surgeons. Dr Mark Hanikeri is a fellow of ASPS, and has many years of experience helping women achieve their desired plastic surgery outcome. To find out more, or to request a consultation, please contact us today.

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Breast Augmentation FAQs

Can I drink after breast augmentation surgery?

No, it is very dangerous to drink alcohol while you’re recovering from breast augmentation surgery. During your recovery, you will be required to take prescription painkillers and antibiotics.

Combining alcohol with this medication does not just impact the effectiveness of your medication which will hamper your recovery; it can be dangerous because it can lead to side effects like extreme drowsiness and accidental overdose.

Avoid alcohol until your surgeon says it’s safe to drink again, and focus on eating clean and hydrating so that your body heals.

How do I make the swelling go down after breast augmentation?

As your body recovers from breast surgery, swelling is one of the effects that you are going to experience. It will subside in the weeks following the procedure. You can get some much needed relief by applying a cold compress to the area, and avoid putting any strain on your back and your breasts. Rest and let your body heal.

Are breast implants safe?

Absolutely. There have been many studies that demonstrate that silicone and breast implants are safe.  That does not mean that they can’t have complications such as infection, extrusion, rupture, capsular contracture or even rare cancers such as ALCL.  Some patients have described symptoms of chronic fatigue, auto-immune dysfunction, pain and discomfort in a collection of symptoms that has become known as “Breast Implant Illness”.  Whilst medical science has not yet found a reason for this, it is possible that rare patients do have an adverse foreign body response to either the implants or their bodies reaction to something in or on the implants.  Many of these patients feel better after removal of their implants, with or without capsulectomies.

How long do breast implants last?

Breast implants do not last a lifetime. Whilst they do not need to be routinely changed, factors such as aging, weight gain or weight loss may further change the way your breasts look.  We recommend an annual ultrasound scan from 8 years post-surgery to monitor the implant integrity and assess for implant-related issues.

Can you breastfeed with breast implants?

You should still be able to breastfeed after undergoing a breast augmentation with implants. If this is a concern for you, please mention it to your breast augmentation surgeon during your consultation.

How soon after breast augmentation can capsular contracture occur?

Whilst most cases of capsular contracture occur many years after breast augmentation, early capsular contracture (occurring within one to two years) may occur in some patients, though this is rare. The majority of cases tend to occur after eight to 10 years.

What is symmastia after breast augmentation?

Synmastia/symmastia is where the breasts meet excessively in the midline.  In some severe cases they are joined so that it is difficult to see where one breast ends and the other starts.  This usually occurs after excessive dissection between the breasts allowing breast implants to meet in the midline.

How long will it take to recover after breast augmentation?

It depends on the size of the implants relative to the natural breasts. Generally, larger implants in smaller breasts take longer to recover. Most patients are physically comfortable within one to two weeks. Some take longer. It can take up to six months for the breasts to adopt their final stable shape.

What to expect with breast augmentation?

Pain is usually mild to moderate.  There may be a tight feeling may last two weeks. Pain in muscles with activity/exercise may last 6 weeks. Implants will initially seem high but will drop with time.  Skin at the lower pole often feels too tight until it relaxes and stretches allowing the implants to drop into the lower pole.  This may take three to 6 months.

Will I have pain after my procedure?

Pain is usually mild to moderate. A tightened-skin feeling may last about two weeks. Pain within the muscles with activity or exercise may last six weeks.