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Blepharoplasty Perth

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Eyelid reduction surgery (blepharoplasty), addresses excess eyelid skin and fatty deposits which can cause puffiness around the eyes.

These symptoms are usually the result of the ageing process but can also be inherited.

​Patients often are troubled with symptoms including irritation, watering eyes, a heaviness in their eyelids and visual obstruction.

Things to consider before surgery

Some people may present with concerns about their eyelids when the predominant problem is actually that their eyebrows have sagged with ageing resulting in an “apparent” excess of eyelid skin. If the main issue is sagging of the eyebrows, then failing to address this before treating the eyelids may actually make no improvement to their appearance and in some cases, could make matters worse.

In this instance, a patient may want to consider a brow lift, another procedure offered in Perth by Dr Hanikeri.

High blood pressure, thyroid problems, diabetes, allergies or conditions like “dry eye” may increase the risks associated with eyelid surgery and should be addressed if possible before surgery is considered.

Your consultation with Dr Hanikeri

During your initial consultation with eyelid surgeon Dr Hanikeri, your specific concerns will be thoroughly evaluated to determine how the steps of the procedure can be suitable for your individual needs.

Since each patient is unique and has their own preferences and concerns, the steps involved in eyelid surgery can vary. Your initial consultation is a crucial opportunity to discuss your desired outcomes, ask any questions you may have, and collaboratively establish a treatment plan. You will also be asked some questions to determine whether or not you are a suitable candidate for the procedure. Eyelid surgery should be performed on suitable candidates only, to minimise the chance of post-operative complications.

The total costs associated with your eyelid surgery procedure will be comprehensively discussed during the consultation, and you will receive a detailed Surgical Fee Estimate that provides a breakdown of all relevant fees.

Blepharoplasty surgery costs in Perth

The expenses associated with eyelid surgery procedures are determined on an individual basis, as each step of the process is tailored to meet the unique needs of every patient. Eyelid surgeon Dr Hanikeri will evaluate your specific requirements during a consultation. Our team can provide you with an accurate cost estimation for the procedure.

Consultation fees

The fee for your initial consultation to discuss a blepharoplasty procedure will be $250. This is required at the time of making a booking to secure your appointment. Additional consultations required to clarify the procedure plan will be $120.

Aftercare expenses

We believe in providing exceptional support throughout your recovery journey. That is why post-operative check-ups, dressing changes, and suture removal are all included in the procedure cost and do not incur additional fees.

Your Surgical Fee Estimate

The fees for blepharoplasty surgery cover the surgeon’s fees, anaesthesia fees, and hospital fees. The complexity of the procedure, the specific type of surgery required, and the duration of the operation can influence the overall costs. As these factors vary for each patient, a comprehensive discussion regarding your unique procedure plan will take place during the consultation. At the end of the consultation, you will receive a Surgical Fee Estimate form that provides a detailed breakdown of all applicable fees.

Our payment plan

Patients have the option to participate in our pre-procedure payment plan prior to the procedure date. The full payment must be made at least two weeks before the procedure date, and you have the flexibility to make instalment payments on a weekly or monthly basis leading up to that date. This interest-free payment plan requires an initial deposit of $500 to secure your desired procedure date. It is important to note that we are unable to accommodate third-party payment plans, as this practice is not permitted by the Australian Society of Plastic Surgeons and AHPRA.

For more comprehensive information about your expenses and to receive a detailed fee estimate, please contact our team to schedule your initial consultation. Your consultation is also a great opportunity to ask any more questions you may have or discuss any of your personal concerns about the procedure.


Before and After Gallery

Dr Hanikeri has helped hundreds of patients over the years achieve their desired results.

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Disclaimer: The outcomes shown are only relevant for this patient and do not necessarily reflect the results other patients may experience, as results may vary due to many factors including the individual’s genetics, diet and exercise.

The blepharoplasty (eyelid reduction) procedure

The steps of your procedure will need to be determined during your initial consultation, after discussing your concerns, ideal results and expectation(s). The surgery needs to be tailored to your needs in order to achieve the best results, and each patient will have unique concerns and goals for surgery.

The procedure may be performed under a Local Anaesthetic though usually, especially for lower eyelids a General Anaesthetic or Sedation is necessary. Most patients prefer sedation as it is associated with less side effects from anaesthesia, whilst making the surgical experience more pleasant and less stressful.

Excess skin and fat, if necessary, are removed from the eyelids and occasionally, especially for lower eyelids, some type of tightening and lifting procedure will also be performed. Occasionally for the upper eyelids, part of the procedure involves re-inserting the muscle that opens the eyelids into the skin, which draws the skin into the eyelid crease when the eyes are opened. This procedure, if required, results in a “wide-eyed” appearance though it is associated with more swelling, a slightly longer recovery and potentially a more “surgical” appearance than the simpler techniques that may be used.

In some cases, dissolving sutures may be used; however, in most patients, some removable sutures will be used which will be visible in the immediate postoperative period. Light dressings and eye ointment may be applied to the wounds at the end of the procedure.

Depending on the specific type of surgery you are getting, there may be slight differences in how the procedure is performed. As mentioned above, you will discuss the further details of your personalised procedure during your consultation, so that you are comfortable with the treatment plan and know what to expect.

The upper blepharoplasty procedure

For upper eyelid surgery, the incision is hidden in the natural fold of the upper eyelid and may extend slightly beyond the outer corner into the laugh lines. It is usually well camouflaged when healed.

The lower blepharoplasty procedure

Lower eyelid surgery follows a very similar procedure to upper eyelid procedures, though with some differences. For lower eyelid surgery, often an incision is hidden just beneath the lower lashes. In some cases, the best approach for removing excess fat is through an incision placed inside the lower eyelid. This technique requires no external incision, but cannot be used to remove excess skin.

What to expect after surgery

You will be provided with aftercare instructions during your consultation, and will be able to discuss what to expect when it comes to your results.

Dr Hanikeri recommends taking one to two weeks off work after the operation depending on the physical demands of the job. Patients can usually return to normal activities and exercise within four to six weeks depending on the extent of surgery required.

Scars are not completely predictable however, most are barely visible in the long term. They may appear pink and slightly thickened for a few weeks to months after the surgery but will usually fade to be pale and soft by around three to six months. The final appearance of scars may take about 18 months to reveal.

Basic blepharoplasty aftercare tips

The aftercare instructions for blepharoplasty will help your eyes recover from the procedure, and manage any pain, discomfort and swelling. They will also help to minimise and prevent certain complications that may be associated with the procedure.

Patients can use a cool compress to ease swelling and bruising.

You will also be instructed on complications to look out for, medications to take to aid in recovery or pain management and when you would be able to resume your normal day-to-day routine like work and exercise.

Risks of blepharoplasty (eyelid reduction) surgery

All surgical procedures carry some risks. These are discussed in detail during consultation and a written list of the main things to consider will usually be given to you at the initial consultation.

Potential complications include:

  • pain and discomfort
  • haematoma (an accumulation of blood under the skin that may require removal),
  • infection
  • reactions to anaesthesia
  • bruising, which persists for two to three weeks
  • temporary swelling, leading to a tight feeling in the eyes
  • blurriness and “tight” sensation around the eyes are common, usually short-lived symptoms following surgery.
  • changes in vision, which usually resolve quickly; rarely, some may be long-lasting or permanent
  • removal of too much skin
  • a feeling of dryness or irritation in the eye that requires treatment.

Occasionally, especially when upper and lower eyelids are corrected at the same procedure, a temporary but moderately severe swelling of the sclera (white part) of the eye can occur (Chemosis). This can be quite distressing for patients but thankfully usually settles within a few weeks but may require short-term treatment with steroid eye drops.

All operations on the eye carry a remote risk of blindness. This risk is associated with bleeding inside the eye socket caused by surgery and is rare.

Patients travelling from remote regions are advised to stay in Perth for at least 24 hours after surgery so that their immediate post-operative course can be monitored, and emergency treatment instituted if required.

If you would like to know more about blepharoplasty or would like to book your initial consultation to discuss your needs, please contact us today.